last weekend i went to the recently vacated carmelite monastery in malojloj, adjacent to san isidro church. the cloistered nuns' community has diminished to a mere eight sisters, and the facility was too large for them to maintain (they've moved to a new house in tamuning). i had only gone there a couple of times, but as most people, never got to see more than the reception area where, once a year, you could visit with one of the nuns, all of whom have taken a vow of silence. the main room was divided in half by a wall with prison-like grates; you sat on one side whilst the sister on the other side would speak quietly with you, sometimes clutching the bars like an tentative reach to the outside world.

the wall is gone, and so are the sisters, so there is a plan to rehab it into a retreat house for the clergy and for schools. the diocese seems to think it is in a terrible state of disrepair, but aside from some electrical work, a mish-mosh of different tiled surfaces, and relatively minor things like missing tile or peeling paint, i can't find much fault in it. it's just sort of old, but in a good way. i rather like its 'sixties-era clean lines and austerity. the grounds in the back are large, with a magnificent view of the pacific ocean. there's enough room for a victory garden and there are chicken coops that can go back into service. the kitchen is large enough that i think it could also function as a sort of vocational facility, teaching people some culinary skills where they can bake goods for sale at the chamorro village night market, maybe earn a little cash for the upkeep of the facility.

more photos in my flickr set. keep your eyes peeled for an extra special bonus room....